On February 6, competition of "100 Best Women's Innovative projects of Uzbekistan" was organized at the Turin Institute in Tashkent by the initiative of Women`s Committee. Deputy Chairman of the Khorezm Academy – Dr.Durdieva Gavhar Salaevna took part in the presented project on the the...
On February 12, 2018, birthday of two prominent Uzbek poets "Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur" was celebrated in the conference hall of the Khorezm Mamun Academy. Students of Khiva Medical College, professional colleges and school children actively participated in the event. The semin...
On November 11, 2017, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, the Ministry of Culture, the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Re...
Seminar on Complex Analysis and Pluripotential Theory under Mathematics Department of Khorezm Mamun Academy Schedule Date: October 16 , 2017 y № Speaker theme time 1 Azimbay Sadullaev Further development of pluripotenti...
In 2017 June 9, according to Uzbekistan-US cooperation program on Leibnitz algebra 9 students of US California University supervized by Professor Z.Ibragimov visited Khorezm Mamun Academy. During their visit they were introduced with the constant exposition of history and culture of Khorezm a...
There was a ceremonial party in the ‘’Uzbekistan’’ international conference hall on December 7 devoted to the 24th anniversary of adaption of the Republic Constitution. Statesmen and public officials, specimen of science, culture, art and sport, broad community, represe...
May 10-12, 2017 in the National Exhibition Complex "Uzexpocenter", the annual Republic 10th Fair of Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Projects is held. Organizers of the event: Agency for Science and Technology of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan...