Хорезмская академия Маъмуна

100 Best Women's Innovative Projects in Uzbekistan

16-02-2018     Новости

On February 6, competition of "100 Best Women's Innovative  projects of Uzbekistan" was organized at the Turin Institute in Tashkent by the initiative of Women`s Committee. Deputy Chairman of the Khorezm Academy – Dr.Durdieva Gavhar Salaevna took part in the presented project on the theme "Monitoring of the architectural monuments of Uzbekistan and creation of a database" in the nomination "The most effective innovative project". Dr.Durdieva won the nomination and the awarding ceremony takes place on February 20, 2018 at the Turkiston Palace, Tashkent.

Team of the Khorezm Mamun Academy sincerely congratulates Dr.Gavhar Durdieva and wish prosperity in her future research activities!