Хорезмская академия Маъмуна


05-04-2022     Отделы



Researchers of the Department of Exact Sciences conduct research in the following areas:

- Non classical partial differential equations;

- Modern methods of mathematical physics;

- Computational linguistics;

- Water resources management, improvement of natural water quality;

- Architecture and Construction Materials;

Head of department of Exact sciences


Dr. of Science: Baltaeva Umida Ismoilovna

Phone: (+998 97) 708 61 26

E-mail: umida_baltayeva@mail.ru

 Reception days: Monday - 11 00 – 13 00

                     Wednesday – 09 00 – 11 00       

                      Friday – 09 00 – 11 00    




Ashirov Mansur Allanazarovich

Senior Scientific Researcher

Phone: +998 94-230-28-86

E-mail: mansur.ashirov.86@mail.ru

Specialty - Chemistry

Academic degree - PhD (Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry)


Abdullayeva Zubayda Shavkatovna

Senior Scientific Researcher

Phone: +998 93-280-25-05

E-mail: zubayda.abdullayeva.91@mail.ru

Specialty - Inorganic Chemistry

Academic degree - PhD (Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry)


Khudoiberganov Oybek Ikromovich

Senior Scientific Researcher

Phone: +998 99-965-80-85

E-mail: oybek.hudoyberganov@mail.ru

Specialty - Chemistry

Academic degree - PhD (Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry)


Artikbayeva Gulstan Kojashovna

Junior Scientific Researcher

Phone: +998 93 708-72-50

E-mail: Gulstan1972@gmail.com

Specialty - Systems Engineer

Matyokubov Zokirbek Qadamovich

Junior Scientific Researcher

Phone: +998 99 084-29-86

E-mail: Zokirber.1986@mail.ru

Specialty - Mathematical analysis

Madaminov Dilshodbek Kuranbayevich

Junior Scientific Researcher

Phone: +998 94 230-10-05

E-mail: dilshodbek-md@mail.ru

Specialty - Chemical Technology (by type of production)

Yusupova Mavlyuda Rejabboyevna

Junior Scientific Researcher

Phone: +998 93-992-32-12


Specialty - Chemical technology of silicates and insoluble materials


Khorezm Mamun Academy holds regular scientific seminars on topical issues of exact sciences.


Arxiv materials

Department of exact sciences includes the laboratory for testing and repairing building materials of the monuments of Southern Aral sea, grants concerning physics, mathematics, architecture, and technology.

2016-2019: two fundamental and one applied project are being carried out. One academician (Sadullayev A.), three doctors of sciences (Durdieva G., Abdullayev B., and Rakhimov R.), 3 candidates of sciences (Atamuratov A., Vaisova M., Hujamov J.) work in the department.

The main goal of the project FA-A14-001 on the topic “To create active methods of ensuring the earthquake resistance of building and constructions” is to analyze the methods of earthquake resistance used in the constructions of ancient architectural monuments, as well as to work out economical, easy and efficient methods in order to reduce the amount of material and non-material damages.