Хорезмская академия Маъмуна

Laboratory of Microbiology

26-05-2017     Лаборатории

The bacterias which make arise the diseases of household showings are investigated in the laboratory of Microbiology. Microorganisms which make easily o'zlashtiriladigan combinations of phosphate that not dissolving in water and soil are investigated. It is explored that the the microbiological activeness of soil changes depending on soil itself. There is autoclave room , thermostat room, and box room in the laboratory of microbiology. Microorganisms are sterilized in conditions of foodstuffs in autoclave room,microorganisms are incubated in thermostat room. There is kvarts lamp in box room, which cleans the air from microorganism. Microbiological analysis is conducted there. The moisture of soil is determined in drying wardrobe, containers are sterilized.

At present , there exists two kul'tura of actively phosphorus mobilization of bacteria's. The kul'turalar increases the fertileness of cotton plant 3g'5tsentnerga, as well as decreases the reproduction of microorganisms which arises diseases in cotton plant.